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Residential Services

Fearless! Hudson Valley, Inc. offers emergency shelter to individuals and families affected by domestic violence, teen dating violence, and human trafficking, regardless of race, sexual orientation, socio-economic or religious background.  Located in a confidential and secure location in Orange County, we offer a safe space for those who have been devastated by violence and abuse—a space where victims and their families can reclaim and rebuild their lives.  For up to 90 days, individuals and families can stay in our shelter while working with advocates to plan their next steps. 

When survivors seek to leave their homes, they may face the additional challenge of finding a safe home for their pets, and at times this may become an additional barrier to leaving. Through a collaborative effort with the Warwick Valley Humane Society, we are also able to arrange temporary housing for pets. Our Safe Pets Program allows us to provide a safe haven for both household and other types of pets while an individual or family resides in our emergency shelter.

  • Placement of pets is only available while the individual or family stays at Fearless! shelter;
  • Pets are to be retrieved within 24 hours of discharge from shelter;
  • Animals may be placed at the main animal shelter or approved foster homes depending on space;
  • Efforts will be made to facilitate visits with pets while they are in placement, however, this cannot be guaranteed.


We believe survivors are the experts on their own lives and our goal is to simply assist and offer all options for transitioning to a life free of abuse.

Within a safe and nurturing environment, we offer comprehensive, intensive, and supportive services to our clients encouraging:

  • Healthy identification of feelings and expression;
  • A strengthened sense of self-worth and competence;
  • Positive social behaviors (with alternatives to negative behaviors);
  • Open conversation about domestic violence and its impact;
  • Non-violent conflict resolution.

Services within the shelter include:

  • Accessible and Inclusive Environment – All services in the shelter are provided regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, class or socioeconomic status. 
  • 24/7 Staff Support - Advocates are available 24 hours per day, 7 days per week to provide emotional support, crisis intervention and safety planning;
  • Basic Needs -  Our shelter is stocked with food, clothing, personal hygiene, laundry facilities and school supplies;
  • Counseling - Individual, group and family supportive counseling is provided by trained advocates;
  • Advocacy  and Accompaniment -  Advocacy is tailored to the personal needs of our clients and is available for systems and agencies that address housing, medical, financial, employment, vocational and psychological needs;
  • Case Management - This is a collaborative process of communication, evaluation and planning to meet the needs of our clients with available services and resources;
  • Support Groups - Weekly groups are facilitated by advocates for shelter residents to allow for sharing and peer support for both the personal impact of domestic violence and the practical aspects of transitioning into a violence-free life through safety planning;
  • Nurturing Families Program (NFP) - The NFP teaches and encourages a nurturing philosophy of positive, nonviolent parenting while exploring the impact of domestic violence on children and parents.  The NFP curriculum focuses on empathy, self-worth, self-awareness, empowerment, discipline with dignity, healthy family roles, and age-appropriate expectations of children’s development.  An advocate in the shelter facilitates a NFP group each week and is available to provide individual support on program topics.
  • Children’s Program – Through individual, group and family supportive counseling, the Children’s Program within the shelter strives to provide a positive, safe and enriched environment for children to grow and thrive, while addressing the impact of experiencing or witnessing intimate partner violence.  This program helps children to identify and express feelings and also provides recreational activities.
  • Transportation - Assistance with transportation for appointments is available.
  • Internet and Telephone access - These are available for use by individuals staying at the shelter to ensure access to community resources, friends, family and employment and housing options.


How We Helped in 2023

  • Hotline Calls


  • Nights of Safety


  • Advocacy Services


  • Adults & Children Served


  • Supportive Counseling Services


  • 10/1/23 & 4/21/24 – Brunch Sponsor

  • List Until – 4/21/25
    4/21/24 & 10/1/23 – Brunch Sponsor

  • List Until - 4/21/25

    04/21/24 - Brunch Sponsor

  • List Until 4/24/25

    4/21/24 - Brunch Sponsor

  • List Until 1/1/25

    2024 Corporate Sponsor
    10/1/23 – Brunch Sponsor

  • 10/1/23 & 4/21/24 – Brunch Sponsor

    2024 Corporate Sponsor

  • List Until 1/1/25

    2024 Corporate Sponsor
    09/12/22 Swing Fore Hope & 10/1/23 Brunch

  • List Until – 04/42/25

    4/21/24 - Brunch Sponsor

  • 10/16/22 & 10/22/23 - Media Champion 5K

  • Kaplan Family Foundation

    4/24/24 - Brunch Sponsor

  • 2024 Corporate Sponsor

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